Friday, July 18, 2008

Watch The BBC Spreading Misandry


Watch The BBC Spreading Misandry

There is currently a water shortage in Nevada. A few nights ago, the BBC News at 6.00 pm had a piece about this. During the last part of the piece, the news presenter introduced, with much humour, a 30-sec advertisement that Southern Nevada Water is presenting across the State to encourage people to save water.

Here it is, on YouTube.

And now ask yourself why the BBC chose to air this in its prime-time news slot - prime-time even for youngsters - and what message the BBC INTENDED to convey.



At 10:10 AM , Blogger mike savell said...

It's ok to kick a man in the nuts.
Women don't waste water because they are nurturing.Only men waste our assets so if you see one doing just that,kick him in the nuts.We,at the BBC like to show our females as caring and strong and our males as the opposite.
Amazing that a woman with a walking stick which would normally intimate
a bad leg should be so agile,time to take her off disability benefits.

At 7:54 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope the BBC got an e-mail campaign over this.


At 8:48 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

If an old guy had brought his cane down hard across a womans breasts say, we would of course find this equally funny.

Both the Nevada company and the BBC should be held responsible for their 'humor'.

Has the BBC been quizzed about this? Is there a campaign against this Nevada company?

At 8:22 PM , Blogger Male Rights Network said...

What are we to expect from the Blatant Bias Corporation?

It's run by women (look up the management posts to see) therefore it will be anti-male. That is the rule and it rings true every time.

The same applies to Viacom-MTV, run by Judy McGrath. Some of the most overt feminist propaganda will be found on MTV, featuring men tied down in bondage in daytime hours for young kids to see.

Women hate men and this gets expressed very much if they get control of a media org.

At 11:09 AM , Blogger Bwec said...

GOD THAT'S HORRIBLE!!! Why do they promote violence and denigration of men. Just goes to show how acceptable violence against men really is. Men have significantly less privileges and rights compared to women. Women have created destruction between the sexes and this saddens me.


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