Sunday, August 26, 2007

Barrister Tries To Get Father Imprisoned


Barrister Tries To Get Father Imprisoned A barrister and renowned radio and television producer, ... has pleaded guilty to attempting to falsely incriminate the husband of a client he was representing in the family court. If jailed, it is believed it would be the first time that a barrister had been sent to prison for such a crime.



At 2:01 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

"What motivated Hyman, a happily married man with four children, to break the law in a way that could have sent an innocent man to prison is not clear."

It would be, if people read a lot more MRA blogs like yours, Harry. Are you surprised at this creep's actions? Neither am I. Just another bloated lawyer (lieyer) thoroughly indoctrinated with misandry, a stranger to justice and truth, and prepared to do anything to an innocent man in order to get his share of pussy.

The rest of the story is also depressingly familiar:

'But the police would not investigate initially,' said the father, who was eventually put in touch with a helpful police officer by a Families Need Fathers member. 'As it was, my local force didn't follow up my report until some months after Hyman's arrest. If FNF hadn't put me in touch with a police officer who took the case seriously, I might well have been facing a lengthy prison sentence.'

Yes, the police proving themselves equally misandrist and useless at doing the job for which we pay them through our (wasted) taxes.

Then again:

'Anyone who contemplates going through the family courts system should consider pulling their own fingernails out instead; it's less painful,' he said. 'Appearing at these private hearings, where parties and their lawyers too often seem to have the smearing of their opponents at the top of their agendas, robs you of your dignity and your belief in the system.'

And so the truth dawns on another previously benighted individual...


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